Cancellation: Your booking is a legally binding contract, and like all contracts, you should protect yourself in case things go wrong. That's why we ask for all our bookings to be protected by holiday cancellation and curtailment insurance. Our terms and conditions contain further details of your liability to us in the event that you cancel your booking - please read them carefully. It is a condition of your booking that you make arrangements to ensure against the possible cancellation of your holiday. We regret that cancellations for whatever reason may be chargeable. You must make your own arrangements for your insurance and you may wish to discuss this with an insurance intermediary who is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. We are not authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority and we are not therefore permitted to make any recommendations or provide you with advice about any particular insurance product.

CANCELLATION (other reasons)

In the event of the applicant wishing to cancel the arrangements prior to the commencement of the letting and for the reasons not covered by your cancellation policy, the balance will still be due, and upon notifying the office in writing, we shall endeavour to re-let the property for the period concerned or for such part thereof as may prove possible. If such re-letting can be arranged, the balance, if already paid, will be refunded less a charge for any additional expenses. The deposit will not be refunded.